Aside from this Saturday when Joey & I were basically useless, watching 4 movies, some TV, and just having a wonderful day of vegging, it seems we've started the "nesting" process. It started Saturday night when I decided that all of the boxes in the built-in's in the nursery-to-be needed to come out to be reorganized and find a new home as we start to accumulate things for Baby. Those boxes are still neatly stacked in the nursery waiting for us to reorganize them into better boxes/Rubbermaid containers for storage in the attic, but they are already relatively sorted so it's just a matter of putting things in boxes better suited for attic storage. We moved on to other rooms of the house and had a purge-fest Sunday afternoon, with several boxes of things set aside for delivery to, most likely Genesis Women's Shelter. Actually I'm hoping they'll come pick the items up as we've decided that's where our old entertainment center will be going and they're definitely going to have to pick that up. I've listed it several times on with no success and while we hoped to get even just a little bit of $ for it to have a little more savings during the time I'm on maternity leave (since short term disability doesn't pay near as well as it should...but that's a subject for another day), but alas, it just hasn't happened, so since it wasn't that expensive of a piece and it's not a family heirloom, we'll consider it an additional tax write-off for this year and feel even better that it'll be going to help women in need.
Anyway, with getting rid of that and all the other many things we are purging, we're hoping to actually get started on making our carpeted converted garage/den/"junk room" into a dining room finally. We're trying not to spend tons of money so I doubt we'll put the hardwood floors down yet as we later plan to do, but we will probably have someone come out and professionally clean the carpet and maybe even paint (paint first) and get a dining table to accomodate future gatherings in our home. The hope now is that we'll actually keep up with this purging and reorganizing process so much so that when baby gets here I'll be able to fully enjoy the 6-8 weeks leave from work (yes, I will be going back to work). Wish us luck!
It sounds like there is a small hold-up with the baby bedding my mom is making, but hopefully we'll ge that worked out soon. One of the sets of fabric we bought is apparently a different blend than the other 2 fabrics so my mom is not sure we'll want to continue with it so we're trying to figure out another option, but hopefully it shouldn't be too much of an issue, but so far, this is what the pillow for the set looks like.
The striped fabric is what I found first and got stuck on really wanting (in a good way), but we needed some additional pieces to complement it so we found the yellow and were having a hard time finding something else that fit with the pattern so settled for a simple cream and of course, the cream fabric is the one that appears to be thinner and causing some stitching issues. I did find another bedding set I like (that is of course overpriced so I'm glad mom is making ours), but has me confident we can find another fabric that will work...This is the example I'm giving mom to hopefully find a simple polka dotted fabric to use instead of the cream fabric.
It's very subtle polka dots so hopefully mom can find something and it'll all work out. I'm confident that it will.
In the meantime, we're on the hunt for plenty of new things - from a new vehicle for me to drive (Joey will start driving my car since he's still racking up the miles driving to and from North Fort Worth every day), to a mattress for the crib and all sorts of other fun things.
Hope you're all having a great day and enjoy a beautiful week!
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