Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The beginning of Baby Shoup's room

So far the only things we've really accomplished, with my dad's help are taking down my old iron bed (now that dad helped us get attic space ready for storing it and other things that were previously taking up the future baby's room), and getting the crib set up in the baby's room. Now that the crib has had about a week to "rest" from all the cleaning/painting, I'll be looking to buy a mattress pretty soon and I'm on a furious hunt on craigslist and wherever else I can think of for a dresser that can also serve as a changing table and we'll continue from there.

My mom has all the material we picked up (gender neutral, but colorful stripes withs some cream and yellow accents) while Joey & I were in Kansas for Christmas and has already been pre-washing and learning her new serger to start on the bedding!

Here's a picture of the (30 year old and yes, it meets all safety standards, not just dad's "You and your brother turned out OK") crib in the room (with Buddy's bed now in front of it - although he doesn't really sleep on his bed near as much as he sleeps on ours...or the couch!!)

I'm still not really feeling like I'm showing and as yet have only purchased 3 pairs of maternity pants, but hopefully the weight will start to show up in the right places soon and maybe I'll LOOK pregnant, but the low-grade nausea and decreased appetite have actually resulted in weight loss which my dr said is OK because of my "reserves", but that he doesn't want to see any more losing right now! Last week's sonogram showed Baby is right on schedule weighing in about a 1/2 lb. He or She is already practicing the "Shoup Shuffle" or "Fists of Fury" and was very active. I'm starting to feel flutters on the inside, but Joey & Buddy have yet to feel Baby move so hopefully that will happen soon.

Love you all!
Suzy & Joey

1 comment:

Meggers1021 said...

That's the perfect room since it's already "gender neutral" with the yellow walls. I'm so glad you started a blog so I can spy on you guys. Love ya!!