Monday, August 31, 2009

The future Mr & Mrs

While the computer is still being fixed, I don't have much I can post (or have time to post) from work, however, for those of you who didn't already see it on facebook, we don't actually plan on an arranged marriage, but do think that little Camryn Colvert would make a beautiful bride for our handsome little Jackson!

Camryn, her brother, Connor, and parents Jamie & Jeremy came over yesterday so Jamie and her awesome camera could take some great shots of Jackson for us while we made them dinner. Jamie returned to work today so we'll be patient with her uploading and editing some of the pics, but we know you're all as anxious to see them as we are!

Before we ate and before we did the posed pictures, we snapped a couple of the little future lovebirds (again, no pressue) :) on the couch. I love their faces!

...Til next time, Keep Shuffling!

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