Wednesday, April 15, 2009

We say a little prayer

...or a big prayer. So many things to pray for lately - health for Baby Shoup being an obvious one, but we have a few more prayer requests to put out there these days. Today, I ask you to pray for Pat, our media director at Ward. It's been a whirlwind as it's all happened so fast, but she's basically having at least part of one of her lungs removed today. We are confident all will go well, but there will no doubt be some distracted thoughts around our office today.

Pat's Caring Bridge Site

We also send prayers out to some of Joey's extended family in Mississippi. His cousin Leanne had an emergency c-section last week (at about 28 weeks) to premature identical twin girls. Unfortunately, the smaller of the 2, Layla Grace, did not make it. Please continue to pray for Leanne and Brian, as well as Briley Kate who continues to fight.


Meggers1021 said...

I'll be praying for all of those. Have a good day. Love you!

Mommy said...


The Cookie Lady said...

Praying for you all the time, Toots. Also saying prayers for the others