Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Jackson is 8 months

I have been feeling run down but did at least manage to snap the official 8 month picture despite not having the energy to update much else for now (maybe this will be the weekend??)
Yes, Jackson is now 8 months...2/3 of a year old, only 4 months from his 1st birthday and happy as ever (although I sense mischief in his smile too)!

8 months!

7 months!

6 months!

5 months
4 months
3 months
~2 months
1 month


...Til next time, Keep Shuffling!


Carrie S. said...

I love the progression pictures - he is SO gosh darn cute!

Mommy said...

Oh man oh man oh man...time flies. I love the progressive photos. You have an ADORABLE little boy, too. He's always smiling and his little cheeks look so kissable.